Monday’s Musing: Published again…

Hi all…we’re happy dancin’ yet again…

So that week went by real fast and to show for it, got another noir, crime fiction flash story picked up and published!! The picture above, courtesy of my photographer pal, Heidi Horvath, serves to remind that the sun both rises and sets in all its gorgeous splendor, and life goes forward whether we’re reaching our goals or not. And for me, twice up now on two different major crime fiction sites, is definitely reaching and getting out there!

I have to say, it feels damn good to see your babies’ getting picked up, published, and read, and if I had to count all the congrats that have rolled in, well, I probably couldn’t. Not to toot my own horn, but yeah, maybe a little!

Oh, and a huge shout out to Michelle over at for  featuring me  on her “Fearless Fridays” column! Her blog is just terrific, and a must see for anyone wanting thoughtful, well intentioned commentary on life in the ongoing writer’s lane of this vast space we call blog-land!

Here’s where you can find my most recent flash fiction, and mad luv to the fab folks over at Out of the Gutter who took it! 

Also,  if you haven’t yet read my last week’s flash put up at Near to the Knuckle, it’s here if you’re so inclined!

In the meantime, it’s back to the story board! Got two big writing contests I’m entering soon, one in May, and one in September. Banging on the keyboard’s at all hours, cranking em’ out! Hope to have more good news and fiction fun coming your way soon!

Ciao for Now,
